Naryn oblast
The region is located in the south-east of Kyrgyzstan, was first established November 21, 1939, entitled Tien-Shan region. December 30, 1962 the area was disbanded and its districts of…
Read more »Council of the Federation of Trade Unions
The first professional organization of one hundred is created in the south of the country in the mines of Kyzyl-Kiya, Tash-Kumyr since 1898. Severe life nennye conditions and poverty of…
Read more »Climate
The climatic conditions of Kyrgyzstan is determined by its geographical position. Most of the territory of the republic is located in the temperate zone, the southern. areas are located in…
Read more »In Kyrgyzstan, announced to raise money for a monument to Manas
Residents of Kyrgyzstan offered to hand over the money to build a monument athlete Manas (which is proposed to put in place the Statue of Liberty in the center of…
Read more »Talas oblast
Talas is located in the north-west. Kyrgyzskoy of the Republic. Takes Talas valley. It is bordered on the north-west of Ka stan, Uzbekistan to the west, south of Jalalabad…
Read more »Land use. Soil erosion in the hills, pasture degradation
Land use. Soil erosion in the hills, pasture degradation On the territory of the republic, according to the Soil Map of the Kirghiz SSR» (AM Mamytov, etc.) identified the following…
Read more »In Bishkek, dismantle the Statue of Liberty
In Bishkek, will soon be dismantled Statue of Liberty (Erkindik), according to K-News. In its place the authorities plan to erect a monument athlete Manas – the hero of the…
Read more »State authorities
President Kyrgyzskoy Republic is the head of the state, the highest official of Kyrgyzskoy, the guarantor of the Constitution, the symbol of the unity of the people and state. authorities…
Read more »Google deal to buy Motorola approved by China!
In August last year, Google announced the acquisition of Motorola Mobility. The deal worth $ 12.5 billion has not yet been completed, although it has been approved by U.S. regulators…
Read more »Affordable housing in Kharkov
New Properties To date, 60,000 families in the Kharkov region and stand in line for an apartment, in general, they need 4 million square meters of housing. However, developers are…
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