Famous Uzbek poet, thinker, historian and statesman; founder of the dynasty and empire of Timurids.
Babur was born in Andijan on 14th of February in 1483, being son of the Ferghana ruler and great grandson of Tamerlaine. In 1494 Babur became the ruler of Ferghana and in 1526 he founded the centralized statement of baburids known in world history as "Empire of great Mongols" where he lived until English conquest in 1848. He died in town of Agra on 26th of December in 1530.
Poetic legacy of Babur is very rich and versatile. His lyric works collected in the books he wrote in 1519 "Kabul divan" and in 1529 "Indian divan". We has written the verses in more then 10 genres of oriental lyrics. The world known Babur’s work "Baburname" testify about the history of the great Timurids and struggle for the great empire in 1494-1529. "Baburname" was translated to Persian language in 1586, Dutch (1705), English (1826), French (1871), Turkish (1940), Russian (1942).
Amongst scientific works an outstanding position occupies "Treatise of aruza" written in 1523-25, where examines the theory of oriental metric Aruz. Babur enriched that theory adding new thesis and generalizations. In 1521 he wrote philosophical-religious work "Mubayin", where states 5 basis of Islamic Shariat, also in 1521 he wrote book about taxation "Maubayinu-l-zakot". Some of his works like "Harb Ishi"- military operations, "Musika ilmi" the science of music, are still not found.