This next section describes some of the formalities which face tourists who visit the Kyrgyz Republic:

  • Visas: most visitors to Kyrgyzstan need a visa. To obtain a visa it may be necessary to have an invitation.
  • When you arrive, you will have to go through the procedures for immigration and for Customs control.
  • There is a short, “Express”, Questionnaire that every visitor to the country is asked to complete.
  • Once here, it may be necessary to register with the local authorities – OVIR.
  • In theory, every foreigner is supposed to carry identification (e.g. Passports) with them.
  • For some parts of the country it is necessary to obtain permits.
  • When leaving the country, it may be necessary to have registered souvenirs and obtain permission to export them out of the country – see the section under “Customs”.

Also, later in the “Practical Matters” section, there are notes about:

  • Insurance: Under Kyrgyz law, it is necessary for every tourist to carry insurance cover to meet medical expenses.
  • Driving in Kyrgyzstan : if you are bringing your own vehicle with you.
  • Crossing Torugart and Irkeshtam : if you are planning to cross the land border with China.
  • There are also some notes about money – and using exchange offices, banks, etc.
